20MOONS is thrilled to host a new show created and performed by past 20MOONS dancer
Malinda LaVelle, along with her artistic partner, Emmaly Wiederholt!
Malinda LaVelle and Emmaly Wiederholt are excited to present What the Hell Happened in San Francisco? an evening-length dance-theater performance wrestling with idealism, dreams, and disillusionment. Malinda and Emmaly met in 2007 in San Francisco while trying to make it as groundbreaking contemporary dance artists. They burned that dream bright and fast, living and dancing together for several years before moving on to other schemes. Now they are back in the same city, Albuquerque, trying to figure out what the hell happened in San Francisco. This work has been presented at FUSION in Albuquerque and the Railyard Performance Center in Santa Fe. Excerpts of this work have been presented at ABQ Dance Connect showcases and the ABQ Funny Fiesta. Malinda and Emmaly further developed the work during an artist residency in May 2023 at The Peñasco Theater in NM. 20MOONS is thrilled to host this show at the Light Box Theater in Durango!
Friday February 7 and Saturday February 8
at The Light Box at Stillwater Music
1316 Main Ave Suite C
Tickets: $30, $20 students and children